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A lot may change at Berkshire, but one thing will always remain the same - we will always hold a lot of cash. And by cash, I don't mean commercial paper. In 2008, 2009, when the economic crisis arose, we were holding Treasuries, not other people's commercial paper, not money market funds.


Holding cash has become our creed. There are times when you won't live to see tomorrow without cash in hand. This has happened in the past and will happen again in the future. Cash likes oxygen. You don't care when it's there. But a few minutes of its disappearance is enough to be fatal.


On March 31, Berkshire's cash level declined as we focused on investing more than $40 billion in a very short period of time during the quarter. We also planned to invest more than $11 billion to acquire Alleghany Corp. Having made a large investment, we still have a lot of cash on hand.


Some of Berkshire's subsidiaries got a line of credit from the bank. I don't know what they want this line of credit for. Berkshire has more money than the banks.



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